Research Files

Reference No:
20th cent.-21st cent.
This sub-collection contains seriesof research files compiled by members of the Hull Jewish Community. These files relate to various aspects of Jewish life in Hull from the late 18th century to the present day. Subjects covered include the history of congregations, synagogues, and cemeteries, prominent Jewish personalities associated with Hull, immigration, genealogy of Jewish families connected to Hull, marriages, immigration, population, streets and buildings with Jewish connections, Jewish businesses and shops, obituaries, Jewish suicides, and Jews in court. Series have been created by the following persons during the course of their personal and professional research: Mr Jack Lennard, a local historian of the Jewish community and founder and administrator of the short-lived Hull Jewish Synagogue Museum based at Linnaeus Street Synagogue; Dr David Lewis, a member of the Hull Jewish Community and Honorary Secretary of the Hull Hebrew Congregation at Pryme Street Synagogue; Judge Israel Finestein, a High Court Judge and Hull born Jew; J.W. Finestein, a member of a prominent Jewish family with Hull connections.
4 series
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Access will be granted to any accredited reader. Note: Some records may be subject to closure under Data Protection legislation or due to Depositor conditions, where this is the case note has been made on individual record entries in CALM. If you require access to closed records please consult an archivist as it may be possible to grant access in some cases.
Hull City Archives
Records of the Hull Jewish Community