'Rules of the Hull Philharmonic Society'

Reference No:
C DSPH/8/3/1

Rules of the Hull Philharmonic Society established Tuesday 14 May 1850. Printed by John Howe, 50 Market Place, Hull.

Officers and Committee given as follows: Horace Frost, Chairman; Mr H. Deval, Conductor; Mr Edward Short, Leader; Mr Richard Hall, Deputy Leader; Mr Benjamin Clarkson, Librarian; Mr Bostock Gale, Treasurer; Mr J.E. Jackson, Secretary; Committee composed of Richard Hall, John Howe, John William Stephenson, Thomas Wilkinson, and Joseph Shaw. Rules include the following: Meetings to be held at Jarratt Street Rooms; Society to consist of subscribing and performing members; Officers to consist of Chairman, Conductor, Leader, Deputy Leader, Librarian, Treasurer, Secretary, Committee elected annually; Committee to consist of 5 members exclusive of officers; Chairman to preside and have casting vote at meetings; Members to elect a Deputy Leader annually; Committee to have full direction of Society; Conductor to have full power arranging the Orchestra and Committee to allot solo parts; Secretary to keep a minute book and to receive subscriptions; Treasurers accounts not to be paid unless examined and signed by Committee; Librarian to have charge of all music belonging to the Society and to have power to lend it to a member; Ordinary meetings for rehearsals to be held every Tuesday at 8pm; Committee meetings to be held first Tuesday of every month; Prospective Performing members to be proposed in writing by a Performing or Subscribing member; Only Performing members to be admitted to the last rehearsal before a concert; Society to give 4-6 concerts per year; Performing members allowed two tickets for each of four concerts and subscribing members allowed two also, at Extra Concerts all members to be allowed one ticket; Public Concerts to be entirely supported by the Members of the Society; Performing members names to be taken by door-keeper each evening; Performing members to be struck off after three successive absences; Honorary members to consist of Ladies and Boys willing to give their services gratuitously; AGM to be held at last meeting in May, Reports to be read and Officers and Committee to be chosen; Alterations to Society Laws only to be made at AGMs.

Note: Document relates to an earlier society than the current Society? Also note that a photocopy of the original 'Rules' is present.

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Hull City Archives
Records of the Hull Philharmonic Society