The Newington Board of Health



Admin History:
This board was established in 1872 and covered roughly the area of west Hull between Spring Bank West and Hessle Road. It had three main roles. Firstly it was to improve the physical structure of the area through surfacing roads, laying drains, lighting streets and ensuring new housing had adequate drainage. It second role was to control or remove the features that caused disease, such as emptying privies, refuse collection, the regulation of offensive trades and dairies as well as collecting statistics on deaths due to infectious diseases. The final aspect was to promote good health, by means such as the establishment of burial grounds away from congested areas and the promotion of parks for fresh air and recreation for slum dwellers. However Newington Local Health Board fell short of these high ideals. Its area was incorporated in the borough under the Boundaries Extension Act of 1882 (45 & 46 Victoria, cap.115). Just before this occurred, some 6000 houses were rushed through so the builders were not inconvenienced by Hull's stricter controls, which itself were imperfect.

The establishment of the Board 1872-3

Board elections: registers, poll books, administrative papers etc. 1872-82

Meetings of the Board: minutes of the Board and its Committees; reports, notices of motion and other papers 1871-83

General administrative papers 1858-86

Correspondence 1872-83

Parliamentary applications 1873-83

Street improvement papers c. 1870-83

Agreements 1873-81

Contracts, tenders, specifications etc. 1869-83

Applications and appointments of staff 1876-80

Bye laws 1872-82

Litigation 1873-87

Financial records: journal 1873-83; ledger 1873-9; contract receipt book 1878-83; bank books, various accounts 1873-83; cash books 1877-83; mortgages and loan receipts 1875-80; vouchers: general 1873-83; audit papers 1873-81; collectors' and surveyors' weekly statements of accounts 1876-7 and 1881-2; notices of rates 1873-9; rate book 1883

Plans submitted for building bye law approval 1873-82