The Records of Fish Street Congregational Church



Admin History:

In 1769 dissenters from Dagger Lane Independent Chapel built a place of worship in Barker's Court on Blanket Row. In 1782 land in Fish Street was purchased and a new meeting house was erected. Sheahan says that on 11th November 1837 the first marriage in Hull under the new Marriage Act was solemnised there.

By the early nineteenth century the population in Hull was increasing rapidly and the town was expanding. From well established congregations like that in Fish Street emerged other non-conformist churches, such as Nile Street (1827), Cogan Street (1833) and Albion Street (1842). It has even been said that Fish Street Congregational Church was one of the chief centres of nonconformist life in the whole country. The church in Fish Street closed in 1898 and moved to Princes Avenue (Fish Street Memorial Church) where it remained until its eventual closure in 1982.

Two noteworthy ministers at Fish Street were George Lambert 1769-1816 and Thomas Stratten 1832-1854. Stratten was particularly noted for opening the doors of membership more widely to the young and for improving the music of the church.

The first church organ was built in 1853 and the second was acquired in 1875, renovated and enlarged in 1895 and removed to the memorial church in 1900. The third organ was built in 1926 and was, at the time, believed to be one of the best in its class in the country. All three organs were designed and built by Forster and Andrews, Organ Builders of Hull.

The Sunday School was established around 1813 and really began to flourish by 1830 after tickets were introduced for regular attendence, good behaviour and Scripture.
