Release (indent)

Reference No:
C BRA/40/121
6 Jul 1803

Parties: (i) John Wray of Hull, esq.; (iia) John Fea of Hull, gent.; (iib) Molly Wray, his wife; (iii) William Parker of Hull, merchant; (iva) Samuel Mann, the younger of Hull, merchant; (ivb) Samuel Mann, the elder of Hull, builder; (va) James Mann of Lightcliffe, gent.; (vb) George Armitage of Lightcliffe, cordwainer; (via) George Booth of Hull, warfinger; (vib) George Fletcher of Hull, ship chandler; (vii) The Mayor and Burgesses of Hull

Considerations paid by (viii): £2225 to (i); £556. 5s. 0d. to (ii); £556. 5s. 0d. paid into the Bank of England with the knowledge of (iii); £1112. 10s. 0d. paid into the Bank of England with the knowledge of (iv) and (vi)

Property: four messuages in Blackfriargate and a messuage and 2 tenements in Fore Ropery

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Hull City Archives
Title deeds of properties acquired by the Borough of Kingston upon Hull