Bargain and sale (indent)

Reference No:
C BRA/42/37
10 Sep 1804

Parties: (i) Thomas Gleadow of Hull, ship builder, executor of Thomas Peat; (ii) Frances Peat of Hull, widow of Thomas Peat; (iii) Hannah Peat of Hull, widow, and mother of Robert Peat, infant; (iva) John Casson of Hull, baker; (ivb) William Downes of Hull, brewer; (va) Thomas Peat of Whitgift, plumber and glazier; (vb) John Leak of Hull, victualler; (vc) Frances Leak, his wife; (vd) Thomas Robinson of Wincolmlee, whitening manufacturer; (ve) Elizabeth Robinson, his wife; (vi) The Mayor and Burgesses of Hull

Consideration paid by (vi): £200 to James Fryer and £400 to be secured to (ii), (v) and (iv)

Conveyance by (i), (ii), (iii) and (v) to (vi)

Property: 4 messuages near the Fish Shambles

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Hull City Archives
Title deeds of properties acquired by the Borough of Kingston upon Hull