Reference book 7

Reference No:
C DBR/838

V. S. Kishevitch, 1911-1914

The Periodical Syndicate Ltd., 1914-1916

W. Lancaster Moore & Company, 1912-1918

Jacques Peres, 1913-1924

J. B. Storey & Company, 1913-1925

Brown & Polson, 1901-1932

The Pericard Syndicate, 1914

H. F. And Lee Smith, 1904-1923

Sabadell & Henry (Barcelona), 1906

Tal Vande Freres & Donault, 1896-1931

Jose Feixeina Soares & Company, 1912-1914

Bessler Waechter & Co. Ltd., 1905-1911

Airedale Chemical Company (Shipley Grease and Fertilizer Company) 1913-1920

James Pollock Sons & Company (agents for Howarth, Erskine Ltd. (Singapore), 1901-1923

Edward Manser & Company, 1883-1917

Ayre Bros., 1912-1924

J. M. Summer & Company, 1883-1911

Kay Dyhr, 1906-1907

Jacob Holm & Sonner, 1910-1924

The Portugese Government, 1913

Anglo-Chinese Eastern Trading Company, 1915

Aalbong Oil Mills (Danske Oliemoller Saebefabrikker) 1892-1924

Loders & Nucoline Ltd., 1915-1920

Mr. Barlow (Hong Kong) 1901-07

Aberdeen Lime Company, 1883-1908

Leith Cottonseed Oil Company, 1906

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Hull City Archives
Records of Rose Downs and Thompson Ltd., manufacturers of general engineering products, oil mill machinery and food processing equipment