Book entitled ' The Social Side of Our Works' prepared by the Directors of Sissons Brothers & Co. Ltd. to draw attention to the social arrangements in connection with the works, with a view to making their advantages better known, and invite discussion as to making them of more general benefit and promoting efficiency in management

Reference No:
C DBSS/5/1/2
At the end of the First World War in 1918 the directors prepared this compendium which was a a collection of six editions of the company's 'Social Annuals' from 1910 to 1918. It contained the annual reports of the Company's various clubs and societies with extracts from letters from company employees on military service and other social news. At this same time a Works Social Committee was set up to co-ordinate the activities of the Sick Club, Xmas & Excursion Club, Withernsea Convalescent Home (bought in 1906), Technical College Evening Classes, Ladies Swimming Club, Ladies Musical Society, Ladies Literary & Dramatic Society, Miniature Rifle Club, Silver Band, Amateur Gardening Society and Football Club
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Records relating to Sissons Brothers & Co. Ltd.