Personal papers relating to The Second World War

Reference No:
Contains Miss Betty Bowser's appointment card to the Air Raid Precautions Cyclists' Messenger Corps and two Cards of Authority to carry out her duties, Field Service postcard to Miss Bowser advising her that the sender was well, two notices to Miss Betty Bowser thanking her for her devotion to duty as a Civil Defence Cyclist Messenger and a member of the Civil Defence Report & Control during the War, a testimonial letter from Alderman Frederick Holmes to Miss Betty Bowser praising her efforts and thanking her for her support whilst working in Messenger Service Corps, copy newspaper cuttings of the Messenger Service's work during the War including an article on Donald Noble, a 17 year old member of the Corps who received a commendation for his bravery. A photograph of the ceremony can be found in C DIAF/ . A newspaper cutting of the first years of War in Hull, a programme for the 11 Armoured Divisional Signals Christmas Dinner [1945], a Desert Air Force Christmas Card signed 'George' and the receipt for Miss Bowser and Mr Ferguson's wedding reception at Windsor Hall [1946]
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Hull City Archives
Records collected by Mr A F Ferguson, during and after World War II