
Reference No:
C DJC/2/1/10/1/10
28 Apr 1758

Mortgage for £500.

1. Wilks Horner of Burley, Leeds, Wool Stapler, son and heir of John Horner deceased, late of Kingston upon Hull, Merchant, to

2. Joshua Dixon and his heirs and executors

Mortgage of a messuage or dwelling house and garden on the north side of Mytongate, Kingston upon Hull, between Fish Street and Mytongates, formerly in the estate of Lawrence Robinson deceased, and all those dwelling houses or tenements lately erected on the back of said messuage, all of which are or lately were in the tenure or occupation of Robert Waltham, Robert Dowson, Mary Marshall, Peter Jacks, John Ellis, and William Colston, and the corner house abutting Fenkill Street and Blanket Row now in tenure or occupation of George Campbell and [missing] Tenison, and two dwelling houses with shed and garth on east side of Dagger Lane and adjoining ground of 32 feet now in occupation of [missing] Fowter, widow, and James Hardy.

Consideration £500; Witnesses: Thomas Barstow Junior and James Bainbrigg; Signed and sealed by Wilks Horner. Manuscript.

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Records of the Hull Jewish Community