Humber Conservancy Board: Burcom Shoal sections shewing contents above and below L.W.O.S.T.

Reference No:
C DPD/1/3/10/7/2
Sep 1924

The sheet contains a number of section drawings illustrating the size and shape of Burcom Shoal in the Humber Estuary. Each section shows the contents (of sand and water) above and below [Low Water Ordinary Spring Tides] over the area indicated in the key plan. The data having been obtained during a survey undertaken by the Humber Conservancy's Engineer from 22 to 26 September 1924.

Dimensions: 525 x 650mm

Scale (Vertical): 1 inch to 20 feet [1:240]

Scale (Horizontal): 3 inches to 1 nautical mile [1:24304]

Original Drawing No. 231

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Hull City Archives
Records of Humber Conservancy and the Humber Ports (Records deposited by Associated British Ports and its Predecessors)