Entrance to the River Humber

Reference No:
C DPD/1/3/4/9/16
28 Apr 1912

A chart showing the entrance of the Humber, and the Estuary up to Hull. The chart has been colour coded to indicate the depth of the water, and soundings of the estuary have been marked on the chart. Navigation beacons, buoys, and lightships have been highlighted; and illustrations of the Kilnsea Beacon, the Old [Lighthouse] Tower at Spurn, Spurn Lighthouse, Grimsby Hydraulic Tower, and Donna Nook Beacon, along with details of their height (in feet), can be found at the top and bottom of the sheet.

Dimensions: 685 x 1015mm

Scale (approx): 2 inches to 3 sea miles [1:109370]

An inset chart of the Grimsby Roads has also been included.

Dimensions: 195 x 225mm

Scale (approx): 3 inches to 1 sea mile [1:24304]

London. Published at the Admiralty 11 January 1902 under the superintendence of Rear Admiral Sir W. J. L. Wharton KCB, FRS, Hydrographer.

New editions February 1907, April 1907, October 1907, and May 1910.

Engraved by Davies and Company.

The chart bears the following stamp: 'Humber Conservancy Board: Engineer's Office' dated 28 April 1912.

Archive Item
1 chart
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Hull City Archives
Records of Humber Conservancy and the Humber Ports (Records deposited by Associated British Ports and its Predecessors)