Lottie Burton

Reference No:
C DPF/1/204
11 Aug 1884

Ship No. 68259 Name.Lottie Burton Letters & No.H784 Owner. Henry Burton Skipper. Charles Thurston 2nd Hand. Jacob Hunt

Apprentices on Board.

George William Carr - 3rd Hand

Memoranda by Skipper.

February 25 smack Lottie Burton at 2pm whilst fishing about 150 miles west from spurn. Hull smack ( unable to make out the name.) came along straight along us only a vessels length from us we showed him 3 signals . But got no answer he had no light up but ours was burning bright. He came that close that I thought it impossible to avoid a collision without cutting away at the same time. Blowing away saile brease . Losing gear.

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