George Moody

Reference No:
C DPF/1/619
21 Jul 1884

Ship No. 60279 Name.George Moody Letters & No.H1230 Owner.Marcus Feldman Skipper. Rueben Hall 2nd Hand. John R Walker 3rd Hand. C Nichols 4th Hand. Sam P Porter 5th Hand. Herbert Dunning

Record of Death or Injury.

Sunday March 9 at 10 O'clock. E N E of the Spurn 80 miles. 9 fathoms of water. Thomas Ball 4th Hand drowned.Pulled overboard by the jib before we could get the boat over the side he was gone.

Record of Casualty.

January 20th at Sea mizen mast and rigging carried away. Monday January 21 at Sea. Broke the forestay while heaving up.

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Fishing Vessel Crew Agreements Yearly Returns