
Reference No:
C DPF/10/19
6 Mar 1893

Ship No. 93105 Name. Jubilee Letter & No. H15 Owner. H A Newton Skipper. James Booth 2nd Hand. J W Cartwright Steward. W McGregor AB. J Booth

Record of Casualty.

12/11/92 2.30am River Thames. Collided with the SS Joseph Rickitts of London, causing damage to our stern. Error of judgement of our pilot.

Memoranda by Skipper.

At 11am 24/11/92 when taking in the fish from the fleet. The steam cutter Columbia was laying about a ships length ahead of our ship . The smack Silver Lining launched up to our ships stern. I had to start the engine ahead to prevent her striking our starboard quarter, the smack Promise was running across our head to pass between our ship & the Columbia. As soon as the Silver Lining payed off in a line with our ship I stopped & put the engines full speed astern, but before I got stern away on our ship she struck the Promise amidships, the Promise struck the Columbias stern & the Silver Lining went stern into the Promise. The cause of the collision the Silver Lining not keeping away from the Cutter when taking in the fish.

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Fishing Vessel Crew Agreements Yearly Returns