
Reference No:
C DPF/10/232
17 Jan 1893

Ship No. 98747 Name. Kittiwake Letter & No. H149 Owner.Pickering & Haldane Skipper. F Dean / W J Irish 2nd Hand. E H Kirman Bswn. J Rowley 3rd Hand. R H Tabor 4th Hand. H Thundercliffe

Record of Death or Injury.

20 December 1892 about 5am River Humber. Joseph Farrah 4th Hand. Supposed to have been thrown overboard & drowned by the fore score giving way & causing the rope to which the anchor was attached to fly apart and carrying him over.

20/12/92. Albert E Batty 2nd hand. Contused hip & bruised back. As above, he was also knocked overboard, but found clinging to the warp.

Record of Casualty.

20/12/92 5am River Humber. Fore score broke. Supposed the anchor was hove too high causing the damage. Windlass was rusted & useless therefore the warp was used instead of the cable.

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Fishing Vessel Crew Agreements Yearly Returns