Englands Hero

Reference No:
C DPF/10/26
14 Aug 1893

Ship No. 93109 Name. Englands Hero Letter & No. H19 Owner. J W Webb Skipper. George Woodgate 2nd Hand. C Beer / Richard Brewer

Apprentices on Board.

Herbert Brown - 3rd hand 29/5/93 to be transferred to another vessel. Henry Johnson - 4th Hand 29/5/93 promoted to 3rd Hand. Henry Marsden - Cook 29/5/93 promoted to 4th Hand. Henry Johnson - 3rd Hand left , term expired 10/8/93.

Record of Casualty.

13/6/93 9am. The trawler Grand Charge sailed across our bow whilst we were laid dead preparing to board the cutter with fish.

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Fishing Vessel Crew Agreements Yearly Returns