Sir Roger Tichborne

Reference No:
C DPF/10/385
6 Mar 1893

Ship No. 68258 Name. Sir Roger Tichborne Letter & No.H783 Owner. William C Edwards Skipper. William Thomas Huxford / G Hindley 2nd Hand. J Kemp 3rd Hand. B Albrow 4th Hand. W Hall

Record of Death or Injury.

18/12/92 North Sea. William Linstead 2nd Hand. We came fast to a wreck at the bottom. The rope came away striking the mate on the knee and injuring it.

Record of Casualty.

29/9/92North sea. Had our mainsail & 2 stay foresails blown away. Bad sails & stress of weather.

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Fishing Vessel Crew Agreements Yearly Returns