
Reference No:
C DPF/10/46
6 Mar 1893

Ship No. 93121 Name. Genesta Letter & No. H32 Owner. J W Haley Skipper. William Gatman 2nd Hand. T H Melon 3rd Hand. Seth Overend 4th Hand. C Hessell

Record of Casualty.

11/9/92 North Sea. Colliding with smack Sportsman of Hull through the neglect of the 3rd hand who was on watch at the time. 27th October North Sea.Loss of foremast & topsail. Broke below mast head & went over the side during a moderate breeze. 16/11/92 River Humber. Steamer Swift of Hull collided with us, carrying away our bowsprit.

Memoranda by Skipper.

I found the deck hand asleep on August 24th , 26th & 30th and other times too numerous to mention . On the 6th September he went to sleep 4 times in succession and I told him if he went to sleep again I would throw a bucket of water on him & then he struck work on the 6th September. I reduced his wages to 12/- per week for the whole voyage , as I have reduced his wage for incompetency it is not my intention to enforce the penalty to which he is liable for sleeping or gross negligence whilst on look out.

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Fishing Vessel Crew Agreements Yearly Returns