Young Joe

Reference No:
C DPF/10/545
18 Jan 1893

Ship No. 79026 Name. Young Joe Letter & No.H1153 Owner. Emma Board Skipper. Isaac Faulkner 2nd Hand. Markham Gray 3rd Hand. F Fox 4th Hand. D C Newburry

Apprentices on Board.

James Tibble - 3rd Hand

Memoranda by Skipper.

Dear Sir , this is to inform you that Skipper of smack Young Joe of Hull H1153 that we found the smack Malcom of the same Port in the North Sea. Disabled with her foremast gone. Date 1st January , laid by her until the 2nd January, when we took her in tow at 12 O'clock got her to Hull all safe the crew all right.

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Fishing Vessel Crew Agreements Yearly Returns