
Reference No:
C DPF/10/674
20 Jan 1893

Ship No.82507 Name. Polyhymnia Letter & No.H1315 Owner. John Holmes Skipper. James Penny 2nd Hand. C Chapman 4th Hand. J W Abbey

Apprentices on Board.

Charles A Pratt - 3rd Hand transferred to Eunomia 2 November 1892. Hector Courtney - Deck Hand 25th October absconded. Allan Ramsay - Deck Hand 21 November transferred to Metis. George Redfearn - Cook 21 November left. D Edwards - 3rd Hand

Record of Casualty.

4/11/92 at 4.30 River Humber. Lost the anchor and 7 & 8 buoys & chains. Thick fog caused the SS Saphire of Hull to come across our bows.

The collision is documented in greater detail, in the Memoranda by Skipper section found on page 10 of the agreement.

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Hull City Archives
Fishing Vessel Crew Agreements Yearly Returns