Sir S Northcote

Reference No:
C DPF/10/689
26 Jan 1893

Ship No.82523 Name. Sir S Northcote NB, see also Sir Stafford Northcote. Letter & No.H1332 Owner. Henry Toozes Skipper. F J Newman / T White 2nd Hand. C T Deyes 3rd Hand. J Young 4th Hand. J William Crown

Record of Casualty.

23/12/92 North Sea. Loss of our vessel. Collision with smack Thistle of Hull, which ran into us & struck us 6ft from the stern on the starboard side. The collision was caused by him not keeping a good look out we had our net down at the time. All of the crew were saved and brought back to London by the steam cutter America, & then to Hull by rail.

Memoranda by Skipper.

On Monday December 12 our cook Thomas Armstrong refused to obey my orders and wanted to go into London by the SS America and asked for a note to take to the skipper to let him go in. I refused to give him one when he got a knife and sharpened it and threatened to do for anyone that stopped him from going in the boat. On the morning of the 23rd I called the cook out to clean his fish when he threatened to do for me.

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