
Reference No:
C DPF/10/706
20 Jan 1893

Ship No.82548 Name. Lena Letter & No.H1353 Owner. J H Robins Skipper. J W Millray 2nd Hand. D Kinner 3rd Hand. W Heron 4th Hand. H Green

Record of Death or Injury.

18/12/92 10am Henry Fry, 3rd hand. Drowned through the capsizing of the boat when returning from boarding fish on the cutter Columbia.

Record of Casualty.

24/9/92. Loss of foremast, stress of weather. 18/12/92 Loss of boat, stress of weather.

Memoranda by Skipper.

Whilst fishing with the Great Northern Fleet in North Sea, on September 24th 1892. We carried away foremast. We saved all wreckage possible & at 9pm were taken in tow by smack Flower of the Valley H1436 of Hull and arrived in port 30th September.

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Hull City Archives
Fishing Vessel Crew Agreements Yearly Returns