City of York

Reference No:
C DPF/10/748
1 Aug 1893

Ship No. 88162 Name. City of York Letter & No.H1379 Owner. George Bowman Skipper. Ben Backhouse 2nd Hand. J Kemp 3rd Hand. G Ellis 4th Hand. C Robinson

Record of Death or Injury.

22/2/93 about 1am North Sea John Kemp, 2nd hand & Charles robinson 4th hand. Killed by a sea breaking over the vessel.

Record of Casualty.

22/2/93 about 1am North Sea. Split our jib & foresail , and broke the gripe chain used for securing the boat to the deck. Shipped a heavy sea. 25/7/93 North Sea. Mainmast carried away.

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Fishing Vessel Crew Agreements Yearly Returns