City of Liverpool

Reference No:
C DPF/10/775
30 Jan 1893

Ship No. 88190 Name. City of Liverpool Letter & No.H1400 Owner. George Bowman Skipper. William Hilham 2nd Hand. A Donnison 3rd Hand. A E Hales 4th Hand. W Thompson

Apprentices on Board. James William Predgen - Cook under special agreement signed 2/11/92. Injured, transferred to Mission Ship Queen Victoria 1.12.92.

Record of Death or Injury.

27th November 1892 North Sea. James William Predgen , cook. While carrying a saucepan of hot water on to the deck , he slipped & upset the contents on to his feet, scalding them severely.

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Hull City Archives
Fishing Vessel Crew Agreements Yearly Returns