
Reference No:
C DPF/11/252
30 Jul 1894

Ship No. 98766 Name. Ampere Letter & No.H169 Owner. F & T Ross Skipper. James High 2nd Hand. W W Webster Bswn. J W Steward 3rd Hand. W Freeman 4th Hand. R E Langler

Record of Death or Injury.

9/6/94 Norh Sea. W Green, 1st eng. Left fore arm crushed while lifting a gland up with a spanner. He inadvertantly caught his arm in the machinery which crushed it tearing the flesh.

Memoranda by Skipper.

On Monday 12th February , we sighted a smack apparently in a disabled conditionwith all her canvas gone, we steamed toward her & found her to be the Pelican of Hull - for some little time we remained close to her, we promised to lay by until the weather sufficiently moderated to enable us to take hold of him, at 11pm the same day, we managed to pass our wire warp on board of her & an hour later commenced to tow for the Humber.

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