
Reference No:
C DPF/11/592
21 Aug 1894

Ship No. 79490 Name. Romeo Letter & No.H1235 Owner. J Harding Skipper. G Preston / J Garsides 2nd Hand. C Cleveland 3rd Hand. W Ingram 4th Hand. E Rich

Record of Death or Injury.

About 12am 12/2/94 North Sea. George Preston, skipper. Pulled over by the 2nd hand when trying to rescue him & drowned. John William Cleveland, 2nd hand. Pulled over by the dandy and drowned.

Record of Casualty.

12/2/94 about 2am North Sea. Loss of our fishing gear, including trawl, heads 7 bridles, six or eight feet of rope which was thrown to the deadmen & not recovered. Whilst heaving in the gear, the 2nd had was seen to fall or be pulled overboard. The skipper therefore stopped the capstan & rushed to his assistance . The whole gear went.

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Fishing Vessel Crew Agreements Yearly Returns