
Reference No:
C DPF/14/659
3 Aug 1897

Ship No. 105083 Name. Cuckoo Letter & No.H309 Owner. John McCann Skipper. Thyge A Eneroldson 2nd Hand. William Trever Bswn. H Holmgren 3rd Hand. William Morrison 4th Hand. C Hamling

Record of Death or Injury.

About 8pm 30/4/97. William Jefferson, 2nd engineer. Whilst he was repairing the winch, the fly wheel caught his head and injured his scalp & face. The deck hand started the winch without knowing that Jefferson was there.

Official Log.

In consequence of the injury referred to on page 11 William Jefferson was taken ashore in Iceland the same night and was admitted into the Hospital at Reykjavik for treatment. We returned for him on the following Tuesday the 4th, but owing to the heavy weather were unable to communicate with the shore. In consequence we returned to Hull without him. It being previously agreed with the British Consul that if Jefferson did not accompany us he should be sent home by the mail steamer.

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Fishing Vessel Crew Agreements Yearly Returns