
Reference No:
C DPF/16/244
2 Oct 1899

Ship No. 102933 Name. Champion Letter & No. H233 Owner. Richard Simpson Skipper. John William Barker / E Gillard 2nd Hand. Charles Wilkins Bswn. J Horsfield 3rd Hand. J Curtis 4th Hand. W Bemment

Record of Death or Injury.

1am 23/3/99. C Glover, 2nd hand. Injured left ankle through being washed under plate covering steam pipe leading to winch.

Record of Casualty.

10.45pm 11/3/99. Collision with the brigantine Parry of Brevig. Lights of the brigantine were not seen in time to avoid collision. Crew of the Parry were landed at Hull by our vessel on the evening of March 12th. Parry last seen floating bottom upward.

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Hull City Archives
Fishing Vessel Crew Agreements Yearly Returns