
Reference No:
C DPF/16/456
29 Jul 1899

Ship No. 106771 Name. Fides Letter & No. H372 Owner. W R Leyman Skipper. James H Andrews 2nd Hand. A H Bartlett Bswn. G Wells 3rd Hand. W Rollinson 4th Hand. J Catchpole

Record of Death or Injury.

5/2/99 Sunday morning 7.30 am. Thomas Read, trimmer. Drowned whilst emptying ashes oveboard. Through the shackel of the bridle breaking whilst towing the fishing gear, the warp caught him and took him overboard.

Record of Casualty.

5/2/99. Shackle of port towing bridle broke & loss of an ash bucket. Supposed due to swell or some supposed obstruction at the bottom of the sea.

Official Log.

17th June, proceeded to the assistance of the Golden Eagle of Hull, vessel had run aground.Tried to get him off we failed 2 tides and was successful on the 3rd tide, 5pm 18/6/99.

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Fishing Vessel Crew Agreements Yearly Returns