Colonel Smith

Reference No:
C DPF/16/696
15 Aug 1899

Ship No. 88182 Name. Colonel Smith Letter & No. H1395 Owner. F Crowther Skipper. J H Warman / Charles William Brown / T Fletcher 2nd Hand. C Hallett AB. C H Bushby AB. J W Spokes AB. G Cooling

Record of Illtreatment or Punisment.

February 13th North Sea. Charles Hallett, mate was violently assaulted by being struck several times about the face, by C H Bushby.


The case referred to on page 11 was tried at the Mansion House London on February 17th 1899. C H Bushby was found guilty and fined 40/- shillings or one months imprisonment.

Record of Casualty.

18/3/99 2am North Sea. Broke rudder causing vessel to become unmanageable and neccesitating our being towed to Hull by the SS Egret owned by the same firm. The incident is documented in greater detail in the Official Log found on page 10 of the agreement.

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Fishing Vessel Crew Agreements Yearly Returns