
Reference No:
C DPF/17/260
9 Mar 1900

Ship No. 99572 Name. Cyprus Letter & No. H198 Owner.Hull Steam Fishing & Ice Co.Ltd Skipper. T Glanville 2nd Hand. S Knowles Bswn. W Hewett 3rd Hand. W Butterworth 4th Hand. H Gilbert

Record of Illtreatment or Punishment.

November 14th. J Roberts illtreated byB Baggott. Roberts having turpentine on his clothes Baggett throwing lighted matches at him, and setting him on fire. Severly burnt due to the actions of Baggott.

19/12/99 North Sea. F Powell, deck hand illtreated by T Glanville. Powell had been omitting to clean the fish properly as ordered and becoming aggravated with him I ( skipper ) struck him twice in the face with a haddock.

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Fishing Vessel Crew Agreements Yearly Returns