
Reference No:
C DPF/17/492
3 Sep 1900

Ship No. 106744 Name. Recordia Letter & No. H352 Owner. Charles Hellyer Skipper. Edward West / Henry McDonald / H Sheldrick / W H Brown 2nd Hand. C Lindsay Bswn. C H Cook 3rd Hand. H Royal 4th Hand. W Edgar

Official Log. Off Spurn, River Humber 6pm 26th February 1900 Hugh Robertson, steward, was seen by 2nd engineer to jump overboard. Engines were put full speed astern & a boat was got ready, but he was picked up by Steam Trawler Derwent of Grimsby. The 2nd hand & boatswain went on board the Derwent. Robertson acknowledged that h intentionally jumped overboard, saying that he could not stand the smell of the ship & the sea sickness which was coming over him.

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Fishing Vessel Crew Agreements Yearly Returns