
Reference No:
C DPF/19/59
22 Jan 1902

Ship No. 95803 Name. Foxhound Letter & No. H75 Owner. R H Hobbs Humber Steam Trawling Co Ltd Skipper. F J Adams / J Warman / S Agerskov 2nd Hand. D Fenton Bswn. M Lown 4th Hand. Fred Wood 5th Hand. J Wiseman

Record of Death or Injury.

2pm 29/10/01. H Robinson, deck hand. Right shoulder severly bruised, collar bone fractured and right temple cut through being struck by a tub which he was carrying being knocked out of his hand by the brken bridle.

Record of Casualty.

As above. Fore bridle on port gear broken. Through the gear being caught in some obstruction on the sea bottom.

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Fishing Vessel Crew Agreements Yearly Returns