
Reference No:
C DPF/2/426
14 Sep 1885

Ship No. 75330 Name. Speratus Letters & No.H1108 Owner. Moses Brocklesby Skipper. John Johnson 2nd Hand. Jacob Hunt 3rd Hand. W Ruxto 4th Hand. R Lewis

Memoranda by Skipper.

We left thre Humber Dock Hull , March 19 1885 6am for the fishing grounds, brought up in Paull roads & cast anchor having in mistake left the ships log at home. I went on shore for the purpose of proceeding to Hull to fetch it. The weather fine & calm iI took the 2nd Hand with me. Leaving the vessel in charge of the 3rd Hand. The next morning we took train back from Hull to Hedon & walked from there to Paull & on arriving at 7am found that the wind had risen & the vessel had dragged her anchor & driven on shore on top of the tide. We put our anchor out astern & hove her off next tide without doing any damage & proceeded to sea the same day. March 20 1885.

Record of Casualty.

21 January 160 miles from Spurn 10 O'clock at night. Lost fishing gear. Strong winds. 22 January 10 O'clock morning same distance from spurn. Lost form jib, taken by heavy sea.

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Fishing Vessel Crew Agreements Yearly Returns