
Reference No:
C DPF/2/515
24 Mar 1885

Ship No. 79440 Name. Hilda Letters & No.H1180 Owner. Thomas Tyrer Skipper. John Collier 2nd Hand. Martin Cracknell 3rd Hand. William Dawe 4th Hand. G Painter

Memoranda by Skipper.

November 26th 1884. North Sea 11 night. 80 miles E of Spurn shot with the fleet on the starboard tack. John Brown of Hull came fast we catch gears whilst clearing. Come into collision breaking our own stanchons and bullwark. Very dark.

Record of Casualty.

2pm July 23 1884 North Sea 50 miles ENE from the tail of Dogger Bank. Slightly tore our mizen. Heaving the gear up smack Triumph getting his gear put her bowsprit through the mizen. 3am August 27 1884 30 miles ENE from tail end of Dogger Bank. Gear down caught fast.

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Fishing Vessel Crew Agreements Yearly Returns