
Reference No:
C DPF/2/702
13 Jul 1885

Ship No. 88154 Name. Titania Letters & No. H1373 Owner. Charles Hellyer Skipper. M Lorey 2nd Hand. J Burnside 3rd Hand. J Griffen 4th Hand. T Mellon

Record of Casualty.

We took soundings a quarter of an hour before grounding there was then 9 fathoms of water, we made every effort to get off, but in vain & we lost 3 anchors & 30 fathoms of warp, in trying to do so. On the night of 25th April the SS Talifoo of Hull came to our assistance & Remained with us until the morning of the 27th , trying at intervals to free us off, but to no purpose. The crew then went onboard the Talifoo & reached Hull on April 29th. Our vessel was eventually got off & taken to Denmark & from thereshe was towed to Hull by the Bismark of Hamburg and arrived safely on the 17th May.

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Fishing Vessel Crew Agreements Yearly Returns