
Reference No:
C DPF/21/201
19 Jul 1904

Ship No. 98753 Name. Cormorant Letter & No. H156 Owner. H A L Russell for Pickering & Haldane Skipper. Max Raettige / W E Brown / M Raettig ( see also Raettige ) 2nd Hand. W A Butler Bswn. M Stockton 3rd Hand. H Marwood 4th Hand. E Bell

Record of Death or Injury.

February 13th 1904 11.45pm. M Stockton boatswain. The loss of the boatswain M Stockton was caused through an unusually heavy sea striking the vessel during the time the gear was being shot, and washing him overboard.

Record of Illteatment or Punishment.

July 5th 2pm at sea. A Thompson boatswain punished by M Raettige. Striking him several blows about the face & body with my fist for his insolence.

Record of Casualty.

13/2/04 11.45pm North Sea. Loss of life buoy. Thrown to the above named but not recovered.


I hereby certify that after full enquiry I am satisfied the loss of M Stockton boatswain, was in accordance with the circumstances stated on page 15 hereof & therefore that such report is correct & true.

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Fishing Vessel Crew Agreements Yearly Returns