
Reference No:
C DPF/21/409
29 Feb 1904

Ship No. 105074 Name. Excel Letter & No. H302 Owner. John Dugdall Skipper. P Bowes / J Moran 2nd Hand. P Rooney Bswn. George Johnson 3rd Hand. H Bell 4th Hand. F Winkelman

Record of Death or Injury.

24/9/03 North Sea. H Williamson 1st engineer. 2nd finger of right hand broken through being caught in the engines.

Record of Casualty.

25/9/03 3.30am Yorkshire Coast. Vessel stranded causing damage to propeller only & was towed off 14 hours later. Cause - thick fog.

Official Log.

On September 25 1903 the boatswain went on shore at 12 O' clock & has not returned. On September 26th the mate went onshore at 6O'clock and not returned & left me short handed to bring the ship to Hull. Fog all the way to Hull arrived at 7 O'clock with two hands short.

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Fishing Vessel Crew Agreements Yearly Returns