
Reference No:
C DPF/21/606
16 Apr 1904

Ship No. 99560 Name. Adriatic Letter & No. H448 Owner. Kelsall Bros & Beeching Ltd Skipper. W Wood 2nd Hand. W Windass Bswn. J Tricket 3rd Hand. W Moore 4th Hand. A East

Record of Casualty.

28/3/04 8.50am North sea. Collision causing my vessel to sink 3 hours later. Myself & crew escaped in our boat & were picked up and conveyed to Hull by the trawler Thrush. The Hull steam trawler Parramatta ran into us whilst we were laid dead boarding our boat for the cutter, striking us a crashing blow on our port side, caused us to sink in the time named. The incident is documented in greater detail in the Official Log found on page 14 of the agreement.

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Hull City Archives
Fishing Vessel Crew Agreements Yearly Returns