Rob Roy

Reference No:
C DPF/21/73
19 Jul 1904

Ship No. 95810 Name. Rob Roy Letter & No. H80 Owner. H A L Russell for Pickering & Haldanes Steam Trawling Co.Ltd Skipper. William Wardman / A Thundercliffe / H Northcott / J Soloman 2nd Hand. S Carter Bswn. H Yates 3rd Hand. T Cressey 4th Hand. J Douglas

Official Log. F Grantham shipped as deck hand here, and not having been on a steam trawler before, was unable to perform his duty. We had to send him down below, as trimmer. The trimmer taking his place, on condition that he received the pundage, liver & money.

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Fishing Vessel Crew Agreements Yearly Returns