
Reference No:
C DPF/22/273
20 Feb 1905

Ship No. 108533 Name. Gull Letter & No. H241 Owner. Kelsall Bros & Beeching Ltd Skipper. G Green / Robert Dodson / George L Leeming 2nd Hand. W Elliott Bswn. C Beer 3rd Hand. W Warmann 4th Hand. M Bennett

Record of Casualty.

2/10/04 0.30am North Sea Dogger bank. Damage to our mizen mast by a shot fired from the Russian Baltic Fleet.

Official Log.

SS Gull collided with the SS Teal while under boarding operations. I was going slow astern to avoid a

collision with the SS Leaves, and I had just stopped the engines when I saw the Teal steaming on the starboard tack. I at once rung my engines on full speed ahead but the SS Teal struck our stern.

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