
Reference No:
C DPF/22/401
9 Feb 1905

Ship No. 109027 Name. Cameo Letter & No. H394 Owner. L Spring manager The Kingston Steam Trawling Co.Ltd Skipper. F W Wollaston / H Briggs 2nd Hand. J Netherton Bswn. A E Davis 3rd Hand. R Hodder 4th Hand. T Starkings

Record of Death or Injury.

7//10/04 Thomas Watson, cook. Leg twisted, slipped down companion ladder.

Certificates. Stromness

8th October 1904. Inq 7 & 8 re injury to Thomas Watson.

Official Log.

In consequence of injury to Thomas Watson I temporarily put him ashore at Stromness for medical treatment & the convenience of the ship on the 8th October 1904 until the 21st October when on our way home we called for him & he returned aboard.

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Fishing Vessel Crew Agreements Yearly Returns