
Reference No:
C DPF/22/484
13 Jul 1905

Ship No. 110710 Name. Neptune Letter & No. H452 Owner. W Widdowson Skipper. John T Mortlock 2nd Hand. T Kent Bswn. F Taylor 3rd Hand. N J Olsen 4th Hand. R Bygraves

Record of Illtreatment or Punishment.

February 28th North Sea. P Farrel deck hand punished by master of the ship for refusing duty for 31 hours. Put on bread & water diet.

Official Log.

For incompetency the pay of P Farrel, deck hand, has been reduced to 17/- per week for the whole trip ie he recieved no poundage. The offence of refusal of duty referred to on page 15, is not made subject to legal proceedings, the man having expressed his regret.

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Fishing Vessel Crew Agreements Yearly Returns