
Reference No:
C DPF/22/577
31 Jul 1905

Ship No. 113558 Name. Cornelian Letter & No. H506 Owner. L Spring Kingston Steam Trawling Co.Ltd Skipper. Charles F Hattan / T Crawley 2nd Hand. J Netherton Bswn. A Davis 3rd Hand. J Hornigold 4th Hand. S Thompson

Record of Death or Injury.

9/6/05 Death Reykjavik Hospital C Hattan, skipper. Accidental death, crushed abdomen, with being ? with wire warp whilst letting go anchor, and succumbed to his injuries 21 hours later.


I certify that after enquiry, production by the owners of a letter received by them from the acting British Consul stationed at Reykjavik, together with a certificate of death given by the medical office of the hospital there. I am satisfied the cause of death reported on page 15 hereof was in accordance with the circumstances there given.

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