
Reference No:
C DPF/22/716
15 Feb 1905

Ship No. 116152 Name. Lucknow Letter & No. H739 Owner. Hull Steam Fishing & Ice Co.Ltd Skipper. R J Nicholson 2nd Hand. C Catling Bswn. T Chalk 3rd Hand. F Ward 4th Hand. S J Bell

Record of Death or Injury.

North sea December 7th 1904 8.30am. T Chalk, boatswain. Drowned - owing to a heavy sea capsizing the boat whilst boarding.


I hereby certify that after enquiry I am satisfied the circumstances attending the death of T Chalk the boatswain were in accordance with the report contained on page 15 hereof, & therefore that such report is correct & true .

Record of Casualty.

December 7th 1904 8.30am North Sea. Lost 2 oars & 24 boxes of fish. Owing to a heavy sea capsizing the boat whilst boarding.

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Fishing Vessel Crew Agreements Yearly Returns