
Reference No:
C DPF/23/497
20 Jan 1906

Ship No. 109074 Name. Clyde Letter & No. H425 Owner. James Leyman & Co.Ltd Skipper. William Woollock / W Dalton / C Manning / E Dixon 2nd Hand. C Toogood Bswn. C Bullock 3rd Hand. J Neal 4th Hand. G Gibson

Record of Death or Injury.

28/10.1905 5pm, whilst shackling the fore bridle to the fore warp the bollard broke from the deck hitting J Neal, 3rd hand on the head. The warp catching him, completely lifted him & he fell back on the deck again unconscious. Accident happened at 5pm died at 11.55pm the same date.

8/12/1905. H Medhurst, 2nd hand. Slipped & fell down forecastle, sprained his right wrist.


I certify that an inquest was held on the body of J Neal late 3rd hand yesterday, and that a verdict of accidental death was returned. I also certify that I am satisfied that the death of this man was in accordance with the circumstances reported by the skipper on page 15 hereof, having also formally enquired into the matter.

Record of Casualty.

6/10/1905. Loss of boat & damage to the rigging. The vessel shipped a heavy sea. 28/10/1905 North Sea. Fore bollards broken away from the deck, and fore gallows bent. Fishing gear caught some obstruction at the bottom.

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