Golden Hope

Reference No:
C DPF/23/844
21 May 1906

Ship No. 95792 Name. Golden Hope Letter & No. H828 Owner. D Cruz Leganichey Skipper. Alexander Thomas Hughes / F Wells 2nd Hand. F Wells Eng. Marianso Cardosa Fireman. Jose Cabrica

Record of Death or Injury.

28th February 1906. Jose Armador boatswain died at sea. Cause unknown, fell as he stood in the cabin speaking. Later doctor said heart disease.

Official Log.

Jose Ant Amador died on the 28th of February, cause - heart disease off the coast of Portugal at 1.30pm.

Record of Casualty.

27th January 1906. Broken bullwarks. Entangled fishing gear with SS Trawler Colombo.

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Fishing Vessel Crew Agreements Yearly Returns