
Reference No:
C DPF/24/432
20 Sep 1907

Ship No. 109092 Name. Elector Letter & No. H438 Owner. John Dugdall Skipper. William Trever 2nd Hand. Thomas Collins Bswn. W Walker 3rd Hand. J Trever 4th Hand. T C March

Record of Death or Injury.

30/4/07 River Humber. Thomas Collins 2nd hand. Suicide by drowning, jumped overboard.


I hereby certify that on May 1st an inquest was held by the Hull City Coroner on th e body of Thomas Collins whose death is reported on page 15 hereof, when the following verdict was returned - That the said Thomas Collins, on the 30th day of April last, took some corrosive poison & afterwards jumped into the waters of the River Humber with intent to destroy his own life & did then and there die from Syncope consequent upon such poisoning and immersion, and further that there was no evidence as to the state of his mind.

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Fishing Vessel Crew Agreements Yearly Returns