May Fly

Reference No:
C DPF/24/497
22 Jan 1907

Ship No. 110745 Name. May Fly Letter & No. H477 Owner. J H Robins Skipper. G Andrews 2nd Hand. H Ponson Bswn. Gatehouse 3rd Hand. A Hodgson 4th Hand. F Mears

Record of Death or Injury.

12.15pm 8/10/1906 North Sea. W Gray 3rd hand. Drowned, washed overboard. Whilst engaged in shooting the gear an unfortunate sea came on board and took deceased overboard. Every effort was made to save him but to no avail as he sank in a few minutes.

About 5am 8/12/06 North Sea. G Barnett 2nd engineer. Suicide, jumped overboard.


I certify that after enquiry I am satisfied that the loss of the 3rd hand W Gray occurred under circumstances as herein reported ( page 15 ) and that further investigation is in my opinion unnecessary.

Having enquired into the loss of G Barnett 2nd engineer I am satisfied that the circumstances herein relating thereto are correct & true and that I deem further investigation or enquiry unnecessary.

Record of Casualty.

8/10/1906. Wire connecting chains of steering gear broke. Lost a life buoy. Cause unknown :- life buoy was thrown to the deceased but not recovered. 2/11/06 loss of vessels boat. Vessel shipped a heavy sea.

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